sustainable happiness quest

Does My Quest For Happiness Affect The Earth?

It’s not surprising that while the economic drive of the world has been slowed by the coronavirus,…

sustainable happiness quest

Does My Quest For Happiness Affect The Earth?

It’s not surprising that while the economic drive of the world has been slowed by the coronavirus,…

untamed mind

Wild Horses - Dragged By My Untamed Mind

Presentation by Devamrita Swami at the Bhakti Lounge Soul Feast 7th July 2019. We can be very…

alone in the universe

Longing For A Purpose-Build LIfestyle: Alone In The Universe? - Part 2

Full length presentation from Devamrita Swami at the Bhakti Lounge Wellington on 23rd June 2019.…

spiritual depth

How Deep Do You Want To Go?

Have you ever thought about questioning the overarching motivation for your life? We all seek…

Tool for Happiness - Sonic Therapy

Have you ever thought about how sound and happiness are connected? Hear about the main tool used in…

A Higher Version of Material Happiness

Switched on people have realised that plain old selfish ways of happiness don't really bring…

Happiness Event Penn State

Promo video for the Happiness event held at Penn State April 2018 with two unique and cutting edge…

Is it Possible to be Happy all the Time?

Brilliant question and a brilliant answer from the Happiness Event at Melbourne University March…

Do you have Happiness Anxiety?

Happiness anxiety? Who would have thought there would be such a thing! But As long as we strive for…