alone in the universe

Longing For A Purpose-Build LIfestyle: Alone In The Universe? - Part 2

Full length presentation from Devamrita Swami at the Bhakti Lounge Wellington on 23rd June 2019.…

spiritual depth

How Deep Do You Want To Go?

Have you ever thought about questioning the overarching motivation for your life? We all seek…

Human Beings are Way Off Track

Stress and anxiety has a purpose. It’s nature’s way of telling you your life is off the rails, off…

The Allotted Human Ecological Footprint

How should we live? How can know how much is too much and how much is too little? The Vedic…

Revitalizing a True Human Civilization

This is a full length talk from Devamrita Swami. He speaks on the topic of how we can live in a…

Clarity Is The Purpose Of Yoga Postures And Breathing Exercises

Over 18 million people in the USA practice some kind of physical yoga, but over 90% of them don’t…

A Higher Version of Material Happiness

Switched on people have realised that plain old selfish ways of happiness don't really bring…

I Propose...

What I’m proposing is that we connect our contemporary society to the ancient yoga knowledge.…

How to Desire in Perfection

Desire is expressed through the senses, so a lifestyle in which the senses are engaged and…

Do you have Happiness Anxiety?

Happiness anxiety? Who would have thought there would be such a thing! But As long as we strive for…